Saturday, March 15, 2008

Busy with Life

Hi family and sister Stacy was scolding me the other day over the phone for not updating my blog enough! Life is busy with work a baby and a student husband! By the end of the day I will check my email see if any of you posted anything cool on your blogs and then I fall asleep watching Hannah Montana or That's So Raven. Zyon and I had colds at the beginning of the week...we are getting better now. Zy's two bottom teeth have broke he is finally sleeping throug the night again (he didn't for about 2-3 weeks)! It is so hard to function properly at work when you just can't get a good nights sleep at home. He goes to bed very well between 7:30 and 8:30pm but I don't ever get to bed until 10 at the earliest...there are always things that need to get done around the house and I do like to spend some quality time with my husband when he is not busy studying or playing basketball or tennis!! So that is my reasoning for being a slacker on posting on a regular basis...I wish I had more time to update you on what baby Z is doing now!! I don't know if you can see his teeth...but they are there!!

Well...yesterday morning Zyon woke up at 6am and I put him in bed with me to I could just rest for just a few more minutes...then I got up to get ready for work. I woke up Edwin and told him to watch Zyon cuz I was getting ready. Z was awake and just talking and playing by himself. I saw that Edwin was holding his arm so I wasn't worried. I was done getting ready and I told Edwin to get up so he could take me to work. I walked into the kitchen and I heard a noise...I don't even remember what the noise even sounded like...I ran into the bedroom and yelled Edwin's name as I saw my baby's feet kicking the air on the side of the bed!! I ran over to him as Edwin was grabing his legs to bring him back up and he was doing a little head stand on the side of our bed. Luckily our bed is just on the not too far down...and he rolled off right where I have a basket of all our blankets so I think that brok his fall a little bit. He was crying and Edwin was trying to calm him down...I was so freaked out...those of you who know what a worry wart I am can only imagine!! :) I grabbed him from Edwin and he stopped crying...oh the power of a mother's touch!! :) He is fine but I think it was a good thing I had to go to work that morning because I thought everything in the book was wrong with him...just because I am a paranoia drama princess like that!!

The only thing that got hurt during the whole ordeal is my left middle toe!! I don't even know how...I can only guess that when I heard a noise in the bedroom I turned really quickly and rolled my toes??? But here is my war wound!! I know I will get some funny comments about putting a picture of my injured toe on my blog...but I think it is funny!! Try wearing high heels with a swollen purple middle toe!!

Well that is all...until next time...I won't wait as long to post for the next one Stacy!!


Stacy said...

I can see the teeth. That is so fun! I am glad you updated because Tanner is always saying "Can we see Zyon's pictures again?" Now there are new ones. Yippee!

Kyle and Krista said...

Hey Becky - do you know your foot looks green? We hope it gets better soon.

As for Zyon, he'll be ok. Cade fell off the bed once and Abby dived out of her crib a few times. It was pretty traumatic for me but we all survived.

We love you guys and miss you!

betsy said...

I'm so glad Zyon is alright. It definitely is scary when babies have accidents! As for that toe - man, that would suck to wear heels with a sore toe. You go girl :)