Life has been busy, busy busy!! My mom and dad came to visit a couple of weeks ago(that was a blast but it was junk weather the whole time)...Andi and Ti came with Noah last week(it was fun to play with them)...I finally had a day in the sun on Monday(with Lu and Hia), and Edwin is still the best and funniest husband ever!!
Zyon LOVES singing...that is all he does. He dictates what we listen to in the car...and he tells me what songs to sing when I am putting him to sleep. If I sing a song he doesn't want to hear, he shakes his head and says no, no, no until I stop!! He is so much fun!!
Here are some recent pics!!
I will try to be more dilligent in updating my blog...for my 3 blog stalkers!! Luv you guys!!

Thanks Becky! I love it - such cute pictures. Who is the little girl that he is holding hands with. So precious. Are you planning the wedding already? I miss you and wish you would come home already!
I read it!!!
YAY!!!!! It's a miracle! ;p Oh, and i stole some of your pics for my blog! Thanks!
I read it! and I love that picture of Zyon and Niki! I love that font on there too...what is it?
Hi Becky!! I talked to Eni the other day, and my g-ma is staying at TB, and then I saw a donation check at the Library that had your signature on it.. SO i keep thinking about your fam! How are you? And the donation to the library = AWESOME. You are awesome! I can't believe it's been so long.. how are your babies?? Probably not babies anymore! ( you should post some...hint...hint...) hahahaha just kidding, I'm sure you are crazy busy! just stopping by to say hi!
it's been almost a YEAR. I'm gonna sick 'Eni on you! hahahahahaha! ;)
you have another stalker! i just found you from luana's blog...
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